Beach Chair

The dreams are getting more vivid.

There are many times I’ve died or think I died, and my angels or ancestors exerted just the right amount of energy to bring me back to this side.

Being on the other side didn’t scare me, in fact, it felt natural. And maybe that’s just because the dreams have been revealing to me all the things I’ve been manifesting.

The stability, the security, the unconditional love, the supportive husband, the beautiful, yet energetic child…. the dinner parties with friends inside floor to ceiling glass houses…a metaphor for my life, exposed, my secrets out in the open, no more shame that I wear like a scarlet letter on my chest…

the long food-filled tables with laughter, gossiping, smiles on faces, wine glasses in the air.

All those dreams come to life on the other side.

A God revealed dream. A lesson in discipline. A manifesto we call patience.

It’s all in front of me and God wants me to have it.

I’ve been walking in darkness for so long that when I finally saw the light, my feet feared its next steps.

Anxiety and depression have tag-teamed me for the better part of my years, but I’ve fought like hell.

I’ve been down, never out…crippled, never broken… surely never dead.

But it’s time…time for the new phase of my life.

I’m traveling in the right direction. The well is not dry nor too far.

I do not yet have it all, but it is there.

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